Routinely manage risk with frequent, high precision monitoring on mining sites

Kurloo Technology offers a robust solution for the mining industry, where precise monitoring of ground movement and infrastructure stability is critical.
Mining operations often involve the extraction of vast amounts of earth, leading to significant changes in the terrain that can impact the safety and integrity of nearby structures, such as mine shafts, tunnels, and processing facilities.
Kurloo’s high-precision GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) technology enables near real-time monitoring of ground subsidence, slope stability, and potential landslide areas, providing mine operators with critical data to mitigate risks.
By using a monitoring technology like Kurloo, mining companies can improve safety standards, reduce the risk of accidents, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements, all while maintaining efficient operations.
Mining applications
• Tailing Dams
• Waste Heaps
• Mine Rehabilitation
• Surface Subsidence
• Open Pit Walls
• Critical Infrastructure

Mining case study: Tailings Dam at Dawson’s Mine
To continue to conduct mining activities adjacent to the tailings dam, Kurloo was used to gather baseline data to serve as an early warning system against slope failure.
Our clients in Mining